Spider-man 2 enter electro ps1 iso download

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Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! This game follows the web-slinger as he attempts to stop his old enemy Electro from obtaining a source of power called the Bio-Nexus Device. The game was originally released on August 26, Following the September 11th attacks, the original game was pulled from stores and re-released on October 17, September 11, edits - The original version of the game was pulled after the September 11, attacks to change the final battle.

Originally the battle was atop the North Tower of the World Trade Center, but since the towers were destroyed on September 11, the game was re-released with a different ending. Originally, Electro shouted "Top of the world man! This was removed because the game's original ending takes place atop the World Trade Center towers when the game was being developed and it was removed because of the towers' destruction on 11 September Several levels were renamed in the re-release version of the game: "Crash Flight!

There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. Free and instant download. The city is at risk, and only you can save it from the evil clutches of an old enemy: the powerful Electro. He has a mysterious new device that will make his million volts of destruction even more deadly. But, with Spider-Man on the job, Electro is in for the shock of his life. Spidey PM Views: 4. MysteryMan - AM Gotta play this one!

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